Over Gaitske Jedema

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So far Gaitske Jedema has created 7 blog entries.

The dread leap year

This message nearly went unwritten, for I was already waving the white flag. Our tradition of greeting each new year with glimmers of light was under a heavy strain. We couldn’t see them. The world cloaked itself in black robes, heavy with deep folds, from which no fresh breeze could stir. And the American elections [...]

The dread leap year2024-12-30T15:07:45+00:00

To be or not to be, that’s the question

  ‘Did COVID turn on the light?’ was the headline of last year’s New Year Wish. We then concluded that, in addition to increasing fear and polarization, the call for change was rapidly becoming louder. Symbool rejoiced. Would it finally happen then? A year has since passed. Are we disappointed? Honest truth? A little, since [...]

To be or not to be, that’s the question2023-12-11T13:35:54+00:00

Did covid turn on the light?

2020 was harsh, yes, most definitely. Corona intensified polarization, struggle and fear in the world, but the year fortunately also scattered hopeful sparkles of light. One of these we read in a Dutch newspaper which recently interviewed 400 members of our highest administrative tier. For them too, the crisis had "turned the world upside down". [...]

Did covid turn on the light?2023-12-11T13:44:41+00:00

Synthesis; destination ánd place of birth

Building bridges, inclusion, diversity, participation and integration. Noble attempts to synthesise in a divided society where chosen solutions stem from thinking in opposites. After all, they are based on thinking in separate ‘species’ that need to be united; one may – or is even obliged to – join the other. Dualistic thinking that almost certainly [...]

Synthesis; destination ánd place of birth2023-12-11T13:44:59+00:00

Gratitude and Hope; inspiring starting points for 2018

  We would like to express our gratitude for the pleasant cooperation with you and the knowledge and insights you have brought us. "Find yourself in the service of others", Gandhi once said. He was right. We became a better version of ourselves thanks to people like you. We are also hopeful since the beneficial [...]

Gratitude and Hope; inspiring starting points for 20182023-12-11T13:46:18+00:00
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